After five hours of coding I finally got the volume knob to work! This was definitely the biggest hurdle for this project, at least I hope so. Thank you to those who run the AI over at that assisted me in learning and writing Python code....
The coding part isn’t the most fun, but whenever I can get it working it will pay off! I’ve spent at least 4 HOURS trying to get one volume knob to work and it hasn’t yet. Though, tonight I did get one step closer. Eventually it will work! Between...
I didn’t have the exact connectors but was too excited to care! So, I hooked these up and got a lot of static. Took me a few minutes before I realized the green and blue wire are supposed to go into the single blue housing and not split up as in the photo. Once...
We got power and access! Though, I didn’t have a power cable to power the AMP. So, temporarily I had to remove the AMP for I could plug power into the rPi. I wanted to get a head start on what I’m getting into software-wise while waiting for the correct...
I received the AMP in the mail yesterday and got to install it tonight. The AMP for the audio is a separate piece called a HAT (hardware attached on top). On the above image you can see it attached to the top of the Raspberry Pi (rPi) Pictured below is the rPi without...