The rPi is alive!

The rPi is alive!

We got power and access! Though, I didn’t have a power cable to power the AMP. So, temporarily I had to remove the AMP for I could plug power into the rPi. I wanted to get a head start on what I’m getting into software-wise while waiting for the correct...
AMP Installation

AMP Installation

I received the AMP in the mail yesterday and got to install it tonight. The AMP for the audio is a separate piece called a HAT (hardware attached on top). On the above image you can see it attached to the top of the Raspberry Pi (rPi) Pictured below is the rPi without...
Speaker Removal

Speaker Removal

The speaker was tacked welded into that “C” piece which was then tacked to the 3 posts piece. I used a air hand grinder to break all the weld points to separate everything. I wanted to keep those three posts for I could somehow affix the new speaker to...
Bare bones

Bare bones

I believe I’m at the point where I can see how much space I will have available to place the computer and audio amplifier. It appears like just enough space to make things work. I received the Raspberri Pi (computer) yesterday and haven’t got to place in...